Friday, August 01, 2008

question and answer photo mosiac

I've seen these photo mosaics all over and had never bothered to make my own. I figured I had a few minutes to kill this morning waiting for an online meeting to begin so "why not?"

I grabbed someone's question and answer set (sorry, don't recall the website). You basically answer the questions, then go over to flickr and run a search that contains your answer. You then pick a photo from the first page of the results and add it to your mosiac. I used Big Huge Labs' Mosaic Maker, a rather easy app.

Here are the questions and my answers:

1. What is your first name? cristina

2. What is your favorite food? mexican

3. What high school did you attend? john glenn hs

4. What is your favorite color? black

5. Who is your celebrity crush? brad pitt

6. Favorite drink? long island iced tea

7. Dream vacation? scotland

8. Favorite dessert? german chocolate cake

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? happy

10. What do you love most in life? family and friends

11. One word to describe you? clever

12. What's the first name of the last child you spoke to? jessica

13. What was the last thing you ate? blood pressure medicine

14. If you had to change your first name, what would it be? addison

15. How are you feeling right now? content

16. Your flickr name? cristina arroyo


As I as perusing flickr I came across Cut Paper Love's cut paper illustrations. She's an incredibly talented paper artist. Very cute stuff.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


bethany said...

Cristina-I wanted to let you know that you are the winner of the Pretty in Pink bracelet from Boxing Day!! Congratulations!! I need your mailing info to send along to Kelly, the owner of the shop, so that she can send out your prize!! Thanks for coming by and entering!!
Please email me your info at:
bethanycr {at} yahoo {dot} com

Anonymous said...

Cristina very cool mosiac. I am going to give that a try. And that paper girl. OMG! Thanks for the link!

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